New WC&PLR sign
The newly installed and unveiled Portishead interpretation board. The board was unveiled this morning (29 October) in bright sunshine by local BBC weather girl Jemma Cooper before a good sized crowd of WC&P Railway Group members and members of Portishead in Bloom, and a few others.
This board was largely funded jointly by Portishead in Bloom (who also support local heritage projects) and Portishead Town Council. North Somerset Council did the site checks for us, and gave permission for the particular site. The location is opposite the White Lion pub, about 100 yards from the WC&P station and just about where the line ran which linked the WC&PR to the GWR branch. It’s a very prominent position so there’ll be no excuse now for local people not to have heard of the railway! (We’re always in the shadow of the Portishead to Bristol branch line which is high profile now due to its forthcoming reopening).
I’m happy to report that our Weston board and Col Stephens Way signage are still untouched by vandals after nearly two years.
We’re now well on the way to a board for Clevedon, and already have a grant towards the cost from Clevedon Town Council.